
Influence of Choice: Alternative Histories of Non-Hegemonic Foreign Policy in the Cold War

3 and 4 December 2020. Hosted by LSE-Ideas; funded by the Academy of Finland; held online.

Day I – 3.12.2020


Opening remarks

Eirini Karamouzi (University of Sheffield) and Rinna Kullaa (Tampere University)



Panel I

Intricacies of creating alternative international alliances (Part A)

Lubna Qureshi: Prime Minister Olof Palme, Sweden, and the Vietnam War: A Diplomatic History (Independent Scholar)

Sandra Bott: Capitalism, Neutrality and the Cold War: Switzerland’s diplomatic and economic relations with Singapore, 1965-1990 (University of Lausanne)

Hillary Briffa: Malta's Grand Design: Strategic Hedging in the Cold War (King's College London)

Commentator and Chair: Peter Stadius (University of Helsinki)


– Coffee break –



Panel I

Intricacies of creating alternative international alliances (Part B)

Agustin Cosovschi: Building Non-Alignment from Santiago to Mexico: The Yugoslav Enterprise in Latin America During the Early Cold War (École Européenne de Sciences Politiques et Sociales, Université Catholique de Lille)

Idrit Idrizi: Aspiring after global reputation through militancy. Albania, the alliance with China and the anti-Soviet struggle in the early 1960s (University of Vienna)

Christian Methfessel: Ethiopia, Eritrea, and the United Nations: “Strong” and “Weak” States Arguing over the International Order after World War II, 1948-1952 (University of Erfurt)

Commentator and Chair: Rinna Kullaa (Tampere University)


– Coffee break –



Conference Roundtable

Empirical Cases, Directions and Choices of Foreign Policy in the Cold War

Chair and Discussant: Roham Alvandi (LSE)

Participants: Arne Westad (Yale); Federico Romero (EUI); Rinna Kullaa (Tampere University); Wolfgang Müller (University of Vienna); Lorenz Luthi (McGill University)

Day II – 4.12.2020


Panel III

Expert communities shaping alternative history of the Cold War

Jan Zofka: Actors of Globalization? GDR coal experts in international cooperation during the Early Cold War (Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa)

Peter Svik: Non-homogeneity and its limits: four case studies from the Soviet bloc aviation sector (University of Vienna)

Commentator and Chair: Eirini Karamouzi (University of Sheffield) (discussion altogether 30 min)


-Coffee break-



Panel IV

National course changing history

Patrick G. Vaughan: The socio-economic situation in Poland 1970-1980 and competing visions of the rode to independence (Jagiellonian University Krakow)

Nedžad Kuč: A “long term investment”: Yugoslavia’s scholarships for Global South students in the 1950s (University of Vienna)

Commentator / Chair:  Christoph Augustynowicz (University of Vienna)



Panel V

Non-state actors determining the international course

Dieyun Song: Countering Cold War Dominion Through Philanthropic Alliance: A Colombian Case Study (University of Miami)

Lucile Dreidemy: Reframing Hegemony: The NGOization of development and foreign policy in the Cold War (University of Vienna / University of Toulouse)

Riccardo Mario Cucciolla: Rashidov's Cold War. The foreign agenda of a Soviet republic (Luiss University) (15 min)

Commentator and Chair: Artemy Kalinovksy (Temple University) (discussion altogether 30 min)




On the Concept of Feminist Foreign Policy as a Global Strategy (Sweden as an example)

Participants: Katja Ahlfors (Finnish Foreign Ministry); Peter Stadius (University of Helsinki)



Concluding remarks

Rinna Kullaa (Tampere University)